The Heavy Athlete Motto

Our motto here at is "Learn, Compete, Celebrate".


  • You are here in the docs so you are already learning.
  • We have numerous resources here for learning about the games and how to hone your craft.
  • We are partnering with coaches to help provide you with the best conditions to grow your knowledge and craft.
  • This connects us a community with the best of us passing on their experiences.


  • Sign up for a game.
  • This is why we are all here, the actual games.
  • This is our community time when we gather. We reaffirm our bonds and push each other to become better.


  • Look at your placement in Rankings. Every score is based of a percentage of the world record. Every PR brings you closer
  • Look at your athlete page. Track your progress and growth over time.
  • Look at the games pages. If you are signed in you have the option to instantly see every throw that was a PR or SB for every athlete.
  • The reason we have to celebrate so hard is, at the first game I ever attended Wes Kiser said, "Celebrate every PR, because one day they stop."